Bomb Crostini

Cherry tomato compote and basil-ricotta crostini. ‘Nuff said.


  • Cherry tomatoes

  • Olive oil

  • Garlic

  • S+P

  • Ricotta [whole fat]

  • Fresh basil

  • Good sourdough

Instructions [Cherry Tomato Compote]:

  • Heat a saucepan, add olive oil and a few whole cloves of garlic.

  • Once lightly sautéed, add in whole cherry tomatoes.

  • Season with S+P.

  • Simmer for 15 minutes [can be stored airtight in the fridge]

Instructions [Ricotta]

  • Combine ricotta with minced fresh basil, salt and pepper. Mix well.

Instructions [To Assemble]

  • Toast a nice ‘n thick slice of your favorite sourdough bread.

  • Spread on a healthy amount of the ricotta mixture.

  • Spoon on the cherry tomato compote.

  • Garnish with fresh basil leaves, drizzle of OO and fresh cracked pepper and salt.


Elixir Soup